The Gross National Debt

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Your money

My representative to Congress, and a personal friend, Austin Scott has come out in favor of the federal Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution.

Lemme ask you? What do you think? Support it? Oppose it?

Me? I am absolutely opposed to it. I am also absolutely opposed to term limits. I am absolutely opposed to limiting corporate spending on elections campaigns.

Shouldn't surprise you, those last ones. But why I am opposed to the Balanced Budget Amendment?

Just this once, I ask you to turn your brain off.

Congress is faced with a Constitutional Amendment forcing Congress to balance the budget. Congressional leaders won't (not can't) balance the budget.

What do they do?

They raise taxes.

They throw their hands up and say "We don't have a choice. The Constitution requires a balanced budget.

You may say "That's childish. Congress won't act that way."

Not gonna dignify that comment with a reply.


While I'm here, let me point out the nation is well into a fiscal year and Congress has YET to pass a budget. This is the exact same thing which happened when the Damnocrats controlled both houses and the Presidency. They did not pass a budget.

Now with the Reboobicans controlling the House and the Damnocrats in a slim majority in the Senate, we again do not have a budget.

Austin, you are my friend. I also realize you are one person in a 400+ member legislative body and there is little you can do.

But you can stand up. You can say this is wrong. You can demand action. You have done this, and I appreciate it. But you also need to yell a lot louder.

Make some noise up there.

We may disagree on the budget amendment, but if you'll do what you were elected to do, I'm behind you. If you wuss out like so many of your colleagues, I'm going looking for someone who won't.

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