The Gross National Debt

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Smokin' The Couples - 2 blogs for the price of one

Run a Google search on new cigarette labels. I'll wait. In case you decide not to, here's one for ya.
waiting for someone to scream racism...

I don't think these new warning labels are gonna have any noticeable effect.

That's the way it is.
I write today as a former cancer stick puffer, which may make me seem sanctimonious. So be it.

I quit smoking.

If you smoke and you want to quit and you can't, what you are saying is "Baker is better than me."

Yeah. I'm better than you.

"Shuddup Baker. It ain't that easy to quit."

Wanna bet? You will quit. Eventually.

I'm better than you. Get used to the idea.

Besides which, not only did I quit, my brother quit, my mother quit. Even my Dad quit (and he quit a good while before he died of pancreatic cancer). I have LOTS of relatives who quit and lived for years and years after they gave it up.

Gators should be eaten, not ridden.
I also know there are some people who chose to not quit. I don't have a problem with that. Adults have the right to engage in risky behavior, provided they are willing to accept the consequences and pay the price. If you are not willing to do either but still engage in risky behavior, then as far as I'm concerned you're still gonna pay the bills and suffer 'cause I won't.

So speaking of risky behavior, New York has approved gay marriage. A Gay Pride march today is expected to turn into a celebration of what the supporters see as a victory.

My position on this has been made clear so I shan't rehash it here.

Instead I ask those who oppose gay marriage - why?
"If Christians would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today." M. Ghandi.
What gives you the right to dictate to another person, an adult person in full command of their senses (forget for the moment they wanna get married) who intends to engage in an activity that does not, cannot and will not harm you in any way?

Confusing. Arg. Lemme see if I can make this clearer.
Ahem. Hrm. Ah. Um. That is...

The Christians - and I try to be one with varying success - point to the Bible and its passages railing against homosexuality. Right!

The Bible is also clear, its precepts, guides, rules, prohibitions and so forth apply to those who believe in the tenets expressed in those pages. Right!

Yes, the Bible also says that those who do not accept the Bible's teachings will be judged according to the Bible and subject to the curses therein. Right!

Maybe I missed or forgot it, but I don't recall a passage in the Bible which says people are to be forced to accept the Bible and its teachings.

Be right with ya there bro!
I do recall lots of places where the Bible instructs people to educate, inform, discuss, review and present the teachings of the Bible. I also recall places in the Bible which say if the Word is not accepted, we are to pack our stuff and leave.

I also clearly recall a bit about some guy needing a come-along, chain saw and a logging truck before he goes in search of a tweezer.

In our society, the danger with turning your morals into law means you also grant the other guy the right to turn his morals into law.

Do you really want to go there?

1 comment:

  1. Two telling arguments Brother. I dont know if the new labels will have any effect or not, I am just going to get a kick out of some handsome 20-something pulling out a pack of Kools with that picture on it and taking a puff. Truly a case of "Dont say we didnt warn you." As for Gay Marriage, I feel like you do. (Forgetting the fact that unless you can travel back in time and crib from the original documents from the original writers before the church and kings got ahold of them and decided which parts they liked and didn't like) if two people are crazy enough to get married so be it! To those who say its evil and must be stopped, I say "Get over it!" New York of all places has legalized it. Gay Marriage is here and it is here to stay. You have a better chance at melting an ice burg with a zippo than stopping it so let it go.


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