The Gross National Debt

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Death, destruction and copy production

Today's title is a little chant I developed in college, probably with the help of cold pizza and colder beer. Regardless of the genesis, it's accurate.

Maybe in more ways than one.
In all my years working for newspapers the only times we have sold out is when Page 1 contains some spectacularly bad news. The most recent sell-out (and I mean Sell Out as we had NO papers left) was when the identity theft ring was busted here. One person was charged with more than 80 counts.

The issues when we sell the fewest papers? Hard to say. But definitely those weeks when we're very very low on bad news and controversy.

Despite this, an extremely common complaint I get is we don't have enough good news in the paper.

Money talks. Bullshit walks.

When in doubt, follow the money.

It's like my title says, death and destruction put journalists into overdrive. Why? Because it is what people want to read.

Call me cynical. Call me aggravating. Call me a variety of obscenities.

You also have to call me correct.

Agree, disagree or no opinion, intelligent people will admit the Bible has wisdom, regardless of the original source.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21

Put your money on the table and I'll tell you where your heart is. When it comes to the news you digest, it's on death and destruction.

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