The Gross National Debt

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Missing it a lot

Yeah, I miss it. A lot. But I have to also admit finding time to fit in into an adult-world schedule with work, mortgages, power bills, kids and kid schedules means it ain't gonna happen anytime soon.

Wish it could.

In college it was a favorite past time which could be combined with another favorite college activity. The second activity is sharply curtailed these days, owing less to the pressures of adult life and owing much more to what Bocephus moaned about in one of his classic songs.

Back in college there was one person enrolled at school who insisted D&D was nothing more than devil worship. Being me, I egged this on and spoke at length of how I'd seen people be possessed and so forth.  Her eyes bugged out. I eventually changed the subject.

For you RPG geeks out there, my favorite character was a chaotic neutral jester. Sometimes I had a salt water iguana as long as my character was tall. When I was not running that character I was DM'ing.

For you folks who have no idea what RPG is and instead turn to video games, I can only nod my head and smile sadly as I remember the long nights spent battling orcs, ogres and critters we (as characters) had no names for. Friendships formed over those tables amid empty beer bottles, graphing paper and various dice have lasted decades and many have been renewed thanks to the internet.

Ahhh, would that I could find some like minded gamers willing to invest a night or so once a month. But it's not going happen.

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