The Gross National Debt

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Shut it down!

In the movie "Dark City" one of the aliens, for lack of a better description, shouts "Shut it down! Shut it down forever!"

Which brings me to today's subject and one more thing which our current president has said and which I agree with.

Yeah. He and I agree.

He said, and I paraphrase cause I can't find the original quote - As president he should not be having to deal with a mid-year budget squabble.

He is prezackly right. 100 percent. No hidden irony or sarcasm. The president  SHOULD NOT be having to worry about whether or not the government is going to have money to operate part way through a budget year. Closer, in fact, to the end of the fiscal year than the beginning of the fiscal year.

His budget and fiscal attention, as the president said, should be focused now on the coming budget.

Still, unless some agreement is reached, federal government will shut down.

The president and I disagree on this. I say shut it down. Not forever, but certainly for a while.

Hurt? Yep. Gonna hurt. Gonna be pain. I am not oblivious to the people who will be hurt by federal government furloughs. I know they will suffer.

I also know this nation can't keep spending the way it is spending. Washington does not have a revenue problem. It has a spending problem.

There is pain on the way.

Get used to the idea. The pain is coming and the longer it is delayed the worse it is gonna be.

So, shut it down. Save some money.

So people have to buck up and tighten up and do without government cheese (not what I wanted to put, but in the interest of decency, I will refrain from posting what I wanna put). Get used to the idea.

Along with this shutdown, the Redamnocraps are proposing all kinds of cuts, but they can't agree on where to cut and how to cut.

I gotta solution to that too.

Put ALL the cuts together. All in the same hat.

Enact all the cuts. Except veteran benefits. Do Not Cut veteran benefits.

In addition to making both sides happy that they get their cuts. It also makes both sides mad because there are cuts they don't want. The public at large will also get mad at both sides because of the cuts.

I just don't see a drawback to this which an intelligent, reasoning and fiscally responsible person can object to. Maybe one of you sees something I don't. Please tell me if you do.

Looking further down the road as the president is doing, the Reboobicans are putting forth a budget for next year which still does not balance the budget. More deficit spending in other words.

Which means we need even more cuts.

But the political cojones to do this do not exist in Washington, except in a couple of isolated cases like Ron Paul.

1 comment:

  1. You know Ben, it is so scary the way we think alike. I actually started my latest blog before reading this and we basically talked about the same thing. Even though my wonderful wife works for the government and a shut down would hurt us some, i agree. let it all get shut down and see if some changes aren't made.


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