The Gross National Debt

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The stupidity of term limits

Major rant incoming.

Every time I hear someone say "We need term limits" I reply "We have term limits. They're called elections."

This immediately results in the person saying we don't have term limits, politicians buy elections and so on and so on.


A few questions.

• Do you really want government telling you whom you can and cannot vote for? We're at war with countries right now which have this kind of system.

• If you say politicians buy the elections, then why are you selling your vote?

• If you object to long term politicians, why do you vote for them?

• Do you know who ran for office, all of 'em, in the last election?

• What do you know about the "third party" candidates?

• Are you smart enough to make up your own mind or do you need more government oversight?

Now that I have offended people, lemme ask the real question: Are you stupid enough to really believe term limits are effective?


Yes, term limits keeps the president limited to two terms. How many of you would vote for Ronald Reagan (were he still alive and capable) for president again? How many of you would vote for Bill Clinton again?

Yeah. Thought so. Poll after poll after poll, and more importantly actual elections, shows incumbents are supported and get back into office. "Politicians are the problem, but MY politician ain't part of the problem." So says you in election after election.

You don't really want term limits. What you want is the ability to limit all the other voters choices. You want NIMBY limits. In other words, control what other people do and leave you the hell alone.



You probably complain there's too much money in politics, too much in the campaigns and only the rich and well-connected to the rich people can get into office.

Ummmm, 'scuse me but for whom did you vote in the last election?


Or, the Science of Cognitive Dissonance
Pork barrel spending is how politicians stay in the news when no controversy is brewing. They tout their accomplishments in "bringing home the bacon" from the seat of government. "They don't understand why we need this, must have this. It's getting our just returns BACK from the taxes we pay."

Yeah, it takes seniority to get the big bucks flowing back to a district. Neophytes and freshmen don't have that kinda pull. Gotta send him back to keep that river of cash flowing and it's damned well time to cut government grants and handouts to those idiots who can't manage their own money.


 How much do you know, that you can back up with facts, about the candidates for the most recent election. The farther removed you are from the election, the less you know. You may know a great deal about the people running for City Council or School Board. How about state legislature? Congress? President?

Tell me how much you know, which is fact-based, based on his voting record, based on statements he has made which can be verified about any candidate for federal office. How about Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who ran for president. For that matter, gimme the same on ANY candidate for president other than Mitt Romney or the current liar in chief. Now tell me the same about ANY candidate for president who was not on the Reboobican primary ticket.

I knew you couldn't.

"Those guys can't get elected."

THAT is not the biggest cop-out I have ever heard, but it's in the top 5. No, "those guys" can't get elected in an electorate which insists on being spoon fed information and believes attack ads on TV while refusing to do even a tiny amount of research. I've long been told "you get what you pay for."

The facts are out there. The information is out there. You don't want to assimilate it. You do not want to learn about the people who make the decisions that will affect your life. This is not ignorance. This is sheer unadulterated STUPIDITY.

HELP WANTED: Must be able to think for those who refuse to do so themselves. Must be willing to accept large amounts of cash from donors. Must be willing to endure ridicule, abuse and scorn while doing exactly what you were hired to do. Must be willing to demonize certain people in public while having supper and drinks with them when the media isn't watching. Must be willing to complain, moan, whine and point the finger at colleagues while refusing to take any blame. Must be willing to reapply for the job periodically, with a 90 percent chance of being rehired.

We offer a modest salary, sometimes not enough to keep everything running which you must have to hold the office, generous retirement, plenty of perks on the side which you'll need, but we reserve the right to raise hell about this. We're not going to think this through, you see.

To apply, run for office.


You don't want term limits. You want rights limits. You want to be excused from thinking for yourself.  You want to be able to complain about things you refuse to understand. You want to complain about not having rights while handing those rights away. You complain about big government while demanding more government. You don't trust government while handing more and more of yourself to government every day. And you want term limits? You want this selfsame government which you so despise to tell you that you can't vote for someone?

What you really want is an abdication of responsibility.

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