The Gross National Debt

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Looking for the moral high ground

In Israel, when a single person launches an attack on the people of that nation, Israel responds by leveling that person's house if they can determine who did it. In some cases Israel has leveled entire neighborhoods in retaliation for attacks.
Urban renewal Israeli style.

Some folks are gonna say that is too extreme.

Before you get too high and mighty, I point out William T. Sherman did the exact same thing to  the South on his March to the Sea in the War of Northern Aggression.

The US has a history of doing this. But then, so does pretty much every other nation on the planet.

We're also doing the exact same thing in other countries right now.

In feudal Japan, honor was an ideal. Violating honor often meant death. I never understood why a person was allowed to commit suicide. My thought was, why didn't the person just run away?

A longtime bud and feudal Japan historian explained it to. Suicide allowed the person to take their own way out. Had the person run, the entire extended family would have been killed.
But, no lawyers!

I have seen videos from Saddam Hussein's Iraq in which people were pushed off two story buildings. I understand why.

They sacrificed themselves to save their family.

If there is a moral high ground in here anyway, it's the people who sacrificed themselves to save their family.

Is revenge moral high ground? That's a question I'm not qualified to answer. You gotta get well above my pay grade for that one.

Regardless, what does occupying the moral high ground really mean?

Perhaps a better question is: Is being on the moral high ground worth it?

Before you answer that, I remind you of one simple fact: Occupying the moral high ground may make you feel good for a while, but good feelings do not translate into groceries at the store.

When your children are looking to you to put shoes on their feet, food in their stomachs and keep the roof over their head, you have have the moral high ground.

Me? I'm gonna take care of my kids. If that makes people mad, I'll be glad to deal with them.

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