The Gross National Debt

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A sandwich of your own making

 This ain't about politics, but it starts with a political story.

This morning NPR aired a story of a Florida city chief of police resigning for doing his job. No real 'sprise there. Chiefs are fired and resign regularly for doing their job.

So why this story? Why now? Damfino.

 But it did give me an excuse to blog.

The problem here is the people in Miami Gardens got what they asked for.

I am not kidding.

Have you ever been there? You really wanted something and when you got it, oh sheet rock. That is SO not what you wanted. Me? Been there, done that got all kinds of scars to remind me; physical, mental, emotional, etc.

The folks in Miami Garden wanted the MGPD to do something about the huge upswing in violence. The MGPD did so.

Now the residents are screaming that's not what they wanted. Cognitive Disconnect. Here's a good explanation of this:

"The term, cognitive disconnect, applies to the condition where reality and one's understanding or perception of reality differ. Perception that differs from reality is ordinarily referred to as delusional. However, in the case of a cognitive disconnect, sanity is not necessarily an issue.

"For example, checking the mail box on a national holiday would be a minor cognitive disconnect. One knows that no mail delivery occurs on a holiday. One knows that a certain day happens to be a holiday. There is no reason to expect mail on that certain day (reality), yet one still looks in the mailbox (perception). This behavior could be explained as simply forgetfulness or habit, but it is still a disconnect of reality and perception."

Stand by. Better explanation incoming...

So back to Miami Garden. Really, back to you and me. Exactly and precisely WHAT do they (we) want?

How about you? Have you ever given real thought to what you want? Sometimes, sure. Sometimes not. More often NOT than we're willing to admit, I bet.

Unfortunately cognitive disconnect is getting worse in today's world. People want and give no thought to how it will be delivered or how it will affect them once they get it.

Do us ALL a favor and think before you make a request. I'll try to do better in this area too.

My brother, Shag, summed this whole thing up in one of the greatest quotes ever:

"Don't complain about the worm sandwich when you opened the can."


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