The Gross National Debt

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Come and get it if you can

Yes. Ask the experts.

In a FB thread a longtime friend asked me to explore the idea that the Second Amendment was repealed.
Gun control works. Ask China.

The Second Amendment as passed by the Congress:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
As ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

That comma is important. Think not? Consider these two statements:

Anyway. Could the Second Amendment be repealed? Sure. When you consider the intellectual level of the United States taken as a whole is on par with a retarded flatworm, anything is possible.

And we shot them again in 1812.

However, it's is unlikely to happen any time soon. A repeal requires a vote of a majority of states' legislatures. 25 or so states now have a State Constitution guarantee that hunting and fishing is a right held by the people. 49 states now have laws in place allowing citizens to carry a firearm. Illinois is the holdout. These regs do vary with Alaska being the freest - You got it, tote it - to some states requiring training and limiting the places where a gun can be carried.

Which does not answer the question. If the Second Amendment is repealed by popular vote, this means a fundamental shift in American attitudes toward firearms. Somewhere around 80-90 percent of the populace agree people who be allowed to have a firearm.

An immediate shift is unlikely. A gradual erosion is far more likely.

Embrace truth.

If such a slow shift happens, gun owners will be in a very small minority, so small that any chance of insurrection will be slapped down in a hurry. People will die, yes. 

But people are already dying because of government control over lives. A f'r'instance. A majority of the people in the nation want marijuana decriminalized, but people are still sent to jail for possession.

See Randy Weaver and David Koresh among others. Weaver's wife was killed while she was holding a baby. Her crime? Refusing to surrender to federal authorities. Weaver's crime? Entrapped (according to the courts) into selling a Class III firearm to an undercover agent. The gun was a short barreled shotgun.

OK, posit a quick repeal of the Second Amendment WITHOUT a paradigm shift in thinking.

You will see mass defections from the military and law enforcement when they are told to go confiscate guns. Most of the people I know on the Thin Blue Line and in the military believe in the right to keep and bear arms.

We keep you free. You're welcome.

This will leave a handful of people charged with collecting guns and making arrests. They will now face a larger "enemy" for lack of a better word. They will also face some highly trained opposition. The guys who go into SWAT, SEALS, Rangers, etc are generally the guys and gals who are fervent Second Amendment supporters.

As gun ownership is highest in the South and West, and these legislatures will reject an Amendment repeal, I think a second rebellion is possible. How possible I do not know. Brief aside, if you closely study the history of this nation, a secession attempt was inevitable. If the South hadn't broken away, I believe the West eventually would have.

Anyway, there will be even more bloodshed along the lines of the War of Northern Aggression. I call it the War of Northern Aggression because the Declaration of Independence is either valid document or toilet paper. 

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation..."
 As for myself and people who think like me, we will not go gentle into that totalitarian night.

As for myself, if the government decides it wishes to take my guns, I hope the gun grabbing politicians come for them and me and not my friends in the military and law enforcement. 

I do not want to shoot anyone. But I will if I have to.

They can have my gun when they pry it from my cold dead fingers. I will take some out before I go.

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