Norah Vincent is dead.
Who is Norah Vincent? A better question is "Who wasn't Noah Vincent?"
Think John Howard Griffin. Think Ralph Ellison.
Please leave your arguments about gender constructs at the door. How you choose to identify yourself is not my business. I do not want it to be my business. Please do not make it my business.
Argue the idea behind this blog if you like. Cut loose! I like it.
To read or not to read. That is the question. Whether tis more idiotic to remain unread and look down upon those who cannot read, while being exactly same, or read and by reading realize one's own shortcomings and by realizing, end them. Yeah. Shakespeare is gonna have Words for me when I get to the next realm of existence.
I have not read Mr. Griffin's work. I probably should. I did read Mr. Ellison's work at the prompting of a HS English teacher. She said I would really like the book.
I read it. The only reason I read it is because she suggested it. Were it a class assignment or even an individual assignment from her to me, the book would remain forever unread. It's how I roll.
I told her I did not like it. And yet, it has stuck with me. I vividly remember passages. With 40+ years of experience now behind me I can still say I did not like the book. Today, I appreciate the book. Like, well ... maybe. Need? Without question. That book was a shot of verbal nutrients to an embryonic philosophy that continues to grow today.
Mebbe I do like it after all.
Until today - 10 March 2025 Gregorian - I had no idea the person Norah Vincent existed. Now I do. Now, I must learn more. Why?
Read this.
Norah's literary work is the experience men have.
Someone is going to insist this is a hasty generalization, perhaps a bandwagon fallacy or some other kind of flawed logic. G'head.
Norah said the 18-month experience living as a man so transformed her, that her only release was the final option. Sad, sad, sad. It is also reflected the reality of being a male Homo sapiens. Men account for 80% of suicides. Men also commit somewhere around 90% of violent crimes.
Causation is not correlation? Then you explain it. We'll get to a statement on reality in a moment.
What Norah reports in her book is what heterosexual male Homo sapiens in the United States and likely the modern world experiences. Is that experience universal? It is for every heterosexual male Homo sapiens I've come across. It is in the anthropological studies and books I've read.
(Unless you are an anthropologist or sociologist, I'm willing to bet I've read more of the studies than you have.)
If you are that person who says this is so much fertilizer, I'm willing to bet you are not a heterosexual male Homo sapiens.
Remember, reality is under no obligation to conform itself to your expectations. Nor does it have to be warped to my preconceived notions. Arg. Complicated. Lemme simplify.
If the truth hurts, yer living wrong.
Can't make it any clearer than that.
Norah said that time she lived as a man, it was tough. Ellison wrote the same thing. Griffn wrote the same thing. Quibble semantics if you wish, the base premise is the same; live as someone else to experience what they have to go through. It is fucking HARD.
The difference? Norah died by assisted suicide in Switzerland in 2022.
It is tough being a man. Women have a hard go of it too, but in today's modern societies - Taliban ruled Afghanistan, Iran and other places ain't modern - they have it easier than men.
You ain't gotta believe me. Norah did not want to believe it. Rather than stand on a belief without empirical evidence, she lived it. Well, she lived it for as long as she could and then she quit living altogether.
Do you have the kind of stamina to prove me wrong? Are you willing to risk the kind of breakdown she had to prove me wrong? Reality is, a lot of men don't have what it takes to live as a man in today's world. Some men are so shredded by it they resort to violence. Norah writes about that too.
Norah was also a lesbian and a feminist.
Ooooo. I just heard the wind go out of a LOT of sails. Truth and pain, truth and pain.
Men have to live up to a higher level of expectations than women. We are expected to earn more. We are not supposed to cry or show reactions to pain. So many things are required that are not required of women.
If a woman defeats us at anything, we are ridiculed. If we defeat a woman, we get, "Ooo. So you beat a woman" with as much sarcasm as can be packed into that small statement. A tie? "What, you ain't man enough?"
A woman defeats a man? "She got lucky." A woman loses to a man. "Yep. That's what happens."
We have to be macho!
The standards are not the same. As evidenced by suicides, violence and etc, male standards are harder than those for women.
Part II? Is there a Part I. Yes. Ain't ready to share it yet.
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