The Gross National Debt

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

This ain't Casper

Someone wants to throw you in prison simply because of what you know.

Folks, this ain't Casper. Nor is it the demon from The Exorcist. This is a fundamental issue that goes BEYOND the right to own a firearm or make firearm.

It is whether or not YOU should be allowed to have information.


Call it mind control and you are not far off.

Some people are trying to tell you what you may and may not know. They are trying to tell you what you can and cannot learn.

We've been fighting this battle for centuries. Sex ed in schools. Teaching religious texts in schools. Banning books in schoolsBook burning.


Knowledge is power. This is why repressive regimes first shut down the ability of the people to gather information. If you don't believe that or need proof, quit reading now. You may not be the enemy, but you are certainly allied with the enemy..

Some days the Internet is the greatest invention since Gutenberg came along and unleashed the power of knowledge to the people.

The press he invented opened an entire multiverse to the world. The Internet doubled down on that one.

This is a good, an awesome, a wonderful thing. Any time people have more knowledge, it is a good thing.

Except, as in the time of Gutenberg, some people resist. Why? It threatens their power structure. It threatens their grip on the world. It means they are no longer able to control you.

Today, I refer to the Defense Distributed company which has released plans for 3D printed guns.


Get you some, if the server is not crashing again. Make copies. Store it in many places. Visit Ghost Gunner for more plans.

You may never make a 3D gun. Get the files anyway. You may not want a 3D gun (which are pretty f'danging dangerous to the shooter!). Get the files anyway. This is information that makes some people, people who want to see you kept in the dark and repressed, scared.

We need to terrify them even more.

Get the files. I explain why above.


It is driving gun grabbers past what I thought were the limits of insanity. This is terrifying to me.

Back most anything into a corner, as these people believe is being done, and that critter will fight to the death. Am I saying these gun grabbing and knowledge-preventers are willing to fight to the death?

They are willing to fight close enough as makes no difference. They are willing to make it illegal to possess knowledge. They are willing to prevent YOU from learning something. If you try and they manage to make it illegal, they will throw you in prison.

Imagine that. Someone wants to throw you in prison simply because of what you know.


This ain't about guns. This ain't about making guns. This is purely and simply about controlling how much you are allowed to know. Period.

Gun making is merely an excuse. Yes, it is. The efforts to restrict what people can know reaches back millennia. Again, if you need proof of this, I suspect you are on the enemy's side.

If it is not about the simple knowledge, then why are the people behind the "ban the plans" pushing to make this information illegal? Because the information may be used to make guns?

Make these Orwellian oligarchs even more worried. Buy a copy of  The Anarchist's Cookbook.

Your right to know is the absolute bedrock of a free society. Period.

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