The Gross National Debt

Monday, December 1, 2014

Ain't not never done gonna agree on where this be at


Ok, so this title is a bit over the top, even for me.

My point is about grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax (as opposed to sin tax HAR!) and all the other rules which make up verbal communication.

I'm pretty flexible, in case you've not noticed, about the rules of English.

I have long said and believed the point of communication is to get an idea across. If the intended audience fully understands the idea on the first attempt, communication wins! If the audience doesn't get it, then communication is a failure. More specifically, the person trying to express an idea has failed.

If you are not the intended audience for the idea, it doesn't matter if you get it or not. In some cases, you being unable to understand is actually intended. Think cypher and secret codes.

My writing cohorts out there regularly throw fits over what they see as incorrect use of the language.

Why? More importantly, why is it wrong? See above regarding a successful attempt at communication.

Who put YOU in charge of the language?

At the same time, I admit to seeing the use of "your" when the word should be "you're" as jolting. If you are attempting communication with me and you use the pronoun wrong, then you have failed. I have to back up and re-read. This annoys me because you have wasted my time, not because you have twisted the language to suit your own purposes. Do it often enough and I will tune you out completely.

I dangle prepositions. I mix metaphors. I split infinitives. I use "ain't." I will even use a triple negative from time to time: "ain't not never." I deliberately twist the English language for effects. I have my own ways of spelling some words. Yassee, yer ways ain't mine. I refuse to be constrained by a set of arbitrary rules created by people who are not a part of my world.

I'm gonna write and talk the way I want to. If this' here be bothering you, then lemme introduce you to this thing we in the South call a door. Open. Step through. Close.

If you understand, on the first attempt, what I am saying/writing/communicating, SUCCESS! If you don't then:
1) I failed.

2) I didn't intend it for you.

Most of the time, pick option 2.

Always pick option 2 if you object to where I'm at.

Typos, OTOH, drive me beyond around the bend. GAH!

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