The Gross National Debt

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

You have no idea...

The vast majority of people in the United States have no idea what they ingest or absorb on a regular basis.

As remarked this week at the County Commission meeting, sheep parts are often processed in things people put into their bodies. By parts I do not mean the meat as in lamb chops.

No animal testing needed. The four-legged sheep are dead.
"Lipstick from sheep guts." was a comment made at the Commissioner's meeting.


This page is a PIA to read. I suggest highlighting the text and it becomes easy to read. But it does tell you what sheep byproducts are used for, including cosmetics. "Also, fats and fatty acids play an integral role in chemicals; glycol is found in brake fluid and glycerol is the ingredient that makes asphalt stick together. To top things off, most people don't realize that products they use on themselves everyday, such as: makeup, cosmetics, tanning lotion, shaving cream, and hand cream, contain sheep fat and fatty acids."

I'm laughing insanely right now.

The same people who would have conniption fits simply SEEING a pile of sheep fat have no problem smearing it on their lips and eating it. If you don't think you wind up eating the lipstick you wear, then you have cognitive issues I'm not going to be able to fix.

Then again, I have been wrong before. 
Really? Sheep placenta? Face cream?

Somebody needs to explain this to me.

It's entirely fine to wear sheep placenta (see right image) but lipstick made from sheep fat is right out. Admittedly a critter had to die to deliver up the rendered fat, but that's also a side issue. The sheep died to provide meat. enterprising folks learned to use the fat rather than just throw it away.

As for other uses for sheep byproducts, sausage casing is made from the chitterlings. Chitterlings are the intestines, in case you missed that. 

The hooves, bone and horns go into marshmallows, piano keys, gelatin desserts like ice cream, yogurt, and jello.

For you baseball fans, remember the outside is leather. The inside of the baseball "contains processed blood."

I am beyond amused right now because of the massive discomfort and revulsion some of you are experiencing.

Compounding my delight is the fact that the vast majority of people have no idea what they are eating when they eat "food." 

If people really bothered to learn about what they eat ... I don't know. Thinking more critically, I don't believe eating habits would change. People gotta eat or die. Given the choice, most folks will eat rather than starve.

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