The Gross National Debt

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ah Yogi, where for art me?

No matter what I say, no matter what I write, no matter how many disclaimers I include, someone is gonna get bent.
My 'stache is MUCH better.

The bent individual will accuse me of all kinds of things not limited to: personal attacks, racism, idiocy, stupidity, being a Reboobican, a Damnocrat, an anarchist, a fascist. I've even been compared to Hitler.


This week I took a phone call from a highly irate individual complaining vigorously and vociferously about the county in which I reside.

I tuned him out.

"Yep." Uh-huhn." "Aaight." and so for is all I said.

Still not real clear what he was ranting about, but I wanna think it's because he got a speeding ticket.

Anyway, one thing piled on another and jammed into another and so forth and so on.

So, I politely stated my opinion about my community, which I repeat here:
Image not included in original post.
I have something to say here.

I live in Turner County because I choose to. I love it here. I support the community as much as I can I support our local businesses as much as I can.

I do not like to shop outside Turner County unless I have no choice.

I believe in Turner County.

If you live in Turner County and do not believe in this community as I do, please do us both a favor and remove me from your friends list. Then, please do us all a favor and move out of Turner County.

That's it. To my mild surprise some people defended my position and others attacked it. The attacks did not surprise me, nor did the defense. It was the people doing it who mildly surprised me.
I smash you with my breasts of steel! (your argument is invalid)
To my greater surprise, my post was linked to another person's update on FB. This launched a whole 'nother round of discussions.

This is why I say there ain't no good time. No matter what is done, someone is going to take it personally. Doesn't matter if it is as impersonal as an asteroid smacking the earth. Someone is going to get bent. Most likely this person was already bent and just needed an excuse to complain.

Lots of people seize the opportunity to have me say things I never said, never believed and sometimes never even thought of.

I never said most of the things I said.
Yogi Berra

Ah, Yogi, what a statesman you are.
I could give you many more quotes from this baseball (I think) legend, but you can look them up yourself.

It just reinforces the fact that politicians don't have a lock on doublespeak and taking things outta context. It happens to me nearly daily.

I stand behind what I say unless and until someone genuinely corrects me. Then, I note the mistake, the correction and adjust my stance to reflect reality.

In the meantime, people are going to misinterpret, mistake and downright lie about me and what I say. So be it. I ain't gonna change, unless someone presents real information which shows I am wrong. Then I will change.

Until then, I ain't changing.

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