The Gross National Debt

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The great gun grab

This is updated as I get more stories of gun bans.

I thought I was done with this. Apparently not.

So, yeah, they are coming for our guns. I hear the screaming "NO! THEY ARE NOT!"

Hey. Don’t take my word for it.

It is already happening.


Get you some gun grab realities, ripped from the news.

So you say some of these guns are returned.

Some ain't all. Most ain't all.


You say some of these people shouldn’t have guns in the first place. Ah so. What gives you the right to determine that?

Shall we jettison the 4th and 5th Amendments along with the 2nd?  Is Due Process is just a phrase?

You may point to "medical diagnosis" by mental health professionals which state a person is unfit to have a firearm. I point out to you that "mental health professionals" have declared homosexuality to be a mental illness. The history of "mental illness" is rife with massive abuses.

You want to lean on a science branch of medicine field of study woo factor that relies on a vote to determine what is a mental illness and what is not? If When the standards of "mental health" were are applied to other fields of healthcare, we get jade eggs for the yoni.

 "Psychiatry’s diagnostic criteria are literally voted into existence and inserted into the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM).  What is voted in is a system of classification of symptoms that is drastically different from, and foreign to, anything in medicine. None of the diagnoses are supported by objective evidence of physical disease, illness or science."

Voting is how we got the people who hold elected office today. How is that working for you?


To some people, taking our guns is more than just a phrase, It is a cause. They are jacking the 2nd Amendment.

Google “Repeal second amendment” for lots more exactly like this.

OK, so that is the First Amendment speaking there. That’s the 4th Estate and people in general doing the talking. Anyone else putting forth the same ideas?

How about a retired Supreme Court Justice pontificating on why substantive changes need to be made?

He is gone from the court, yes but you have it in his own words what he believes needs to be done. All it takes is 5 people, five not elected, appointed-for-life people to change things. Congress can pass any law unanimous and the president enthusiastically sign it. The Supreme Court can knock it down with five votes.

Gimme your pet political stand. I can find a Supreme Court decision that you will vehemently disagree with. And yet, that decision is the law of the land, whether you, I or that hacker reading your screen along with you right now agree.

But the Second Amendment is an Amendment!


This nation has repealed sections of the Constitution, including amendments. The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th.

Now I tell you a member of Congress introduced legislation to repeal the Second Amendment


You have the temerity to say “No one is coming to take your guns.”

Proof to the contrary is hereby presented above. These people are also extremely serious about this.


You may deny this reality. Some of you will certainly deny this reality. You may live your oxymoron in any way you see fit. 

Reality is under no obligation to conform itself to your expectations.

If the truth hurts, yer living wrong.

Do not expect me to accept your version.

Here's a reality for you. People are bizarre. We - you, me certainly, your BFF, your stalker - can hold totally contradictory ideas at the same time and see no problem with this. Living an oxymoron is just another day in this hell of a paradise or this paradise of hell.

Some of you may say there is no way government could confiscate all those weapons. It would be impossible, you say.

You are the same people who say there is no way we gun owners could stand against the might of the US military.

Which is it gonna be? Government won’t take our guns or we can’t stop them from doing it? These are mutually exclusive ideas. Either government can take our guns OR we gun owners can rise up and overthrow the government.

Pick one. Except you won't. Rose colored glasses? How about Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses, a towel wrapped around your head and the covers pulled over your head?


Approach this from another angle. Show me, please, any government that has voluntarily relinquished power and backed down without physical force being applied. I don’t mean over minor matters. I mean giving up and quitting. Abandoning the effort. Show me any government that has ever undergone a substantial reduction in size, scope and power without physical force applied against it.

If you can find one, and a few exist, I’ll show you dozens of examples where only physical force caused the substantive changes. Those few I said do exist? They underwent voluntary reduction after spending years of bloody conflict. Guns were involved.

You say this can't happen today? You are not reading international news. But that's another topic for another day.

Friday, February 23, 2018

The problem is guns

Yes, once again you read that right, if you have bothered to read any of my other posts.

The problem is guns. Throw bombs in there too because that's pretty much the same thing.

Guns delivered death to hundreds of millions of people.

In just the past century alone, guns were the cause of death for, eh, call it 160 million people.

In the worst single instance of gun-related (we include bombs remember), more than 100,000 people died immediately. Several times that died later as a result of their injuries.

The problem is guns. We must take immediate steps to restrict ownership of guns

Government must not be allowed to possess guns.

Government-sponsored, government-led, government-ordered shootings account for more than 95 percent of all gun-related deaths.

Leading the list for the past 100 years is the United States, Germany, Russia and China. These governments have ordered the deaths of more people than any other government on the planet.

Government doesn't need guns. If we prevent government from having guns, mass murders will plummet.

In the case of the United States, government of the people, by the people, for the people. Government directed by the people. You and me and the guy who just ducked around the corner so you won't see him looking at you. The US government is who you put into office. They are your employees.

Your employees murder people almost daily.

How does it feel to be a mass murderer?

Yeah, the problem is guns, guns in the hands of homicidal maniacs like you, people who hire mass murderers. People who demand elected officials who then order deaths by the thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions.

You don't need to be allowed to vote. You should be banned from voting.

Keep guns out of government hands and prevent you from voting and deaths by gun will plummet.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Done splainin'

You read the title right.

I am done trying to explain the First Amendment and gettin' reeeeeeallllly close to being done 'splainin' the Second Amendment.

Folks will not accept logic, reason and what the law actually says, on either one. Or most of the Constitution for that matter. I will continue to try and explain other parts of the Grand Document as I'm not weary of that.

Read the Amendments.

Understand the times in which they were written.

Note that the Amendments protect us from the government. The Amendments protect us from government overreach into our lives.

When ya get done with that, read what the Constitution framers had to say about the Amendments. Remember they'd just gone through a war for the right to establish those Amendments.

If, at the end of all this, you are still convinced that the only way to solve the gun violence is to ban guns, g'head.

Expect resistance.

How far are you willing to go? Some of our ancestors were willing to go so far that they died to support their view.

Will you do the same?

If you are not willing to die to support the cause you believe in, then you don't really believe in it at all.

And, I'm done explaining.