Advertising has paid my bills for the great majority of my life now.
Yeah, I write. I get paid to write. Advertisers pay to be associated with my writing.
So, this may sound very hypocritical. I use an ad blocker in my browsers.
I do not have time, inclination or desire to see multiple popups that I have to click away to see the content I want. I do not want to see videos about products I have zero interest in knowing anything about that I have to sit through to get to the content I want.
In short, if online advertising is going to get in my face worse than a Karen with PMS, I will do everything I can to avoid it.
Static ads that are part of the page are OK, as long as they do not hide anything. Embedded ads that do not hide anything I want to see or hear are OK.
I block as much as possible on YouTube in particular because of YouTube policies.
1) YT is not fair to creators. Over in Europe, Jorge Sprague formed a union and YT caved. Rules over there are not the same as in the US. Note, this was done both through creator's union and the European Union government rules.
2) YT is not fair to the companies I genuinely want to see ads from.
3) YT has double standards for creators and the companies I do want to see ads from. Gun topic creators are being hammered constantly for violating YT terms of service. Yet the same content as a paid ad is allowed.
I block ads. This is against YT policies. Good. Their policy is not statutory YT policies are against my policies, which are also not the law.
I will continue to block ads until and unless the Google monopoly allows a level playing field for consumers, creators and advertisers.