• Keep living as you are living now.
• Keep your business open.
• Keep your job.
• Keep your property.
If you do not pay, this person will visit you and commit all sorts of extreme violence on you, your family, your property and pretty much anything else you have.
What would you do? Call the police?
Out of a million people, 999,9999 pay. Pay whatever is demanded as often as demanded. That fraction of a percent refuses to pay. More about them in a moment.
Say you do refuse to pay. With violence inbound, what will you do?
Call for reinforcements? Few, if any, will show up. Likely you are on your own.
Then, the violence hits.
What will you do then? You protest? Deaf ears.
Extortion is illegal.
Except when it is not.
It is taking something from someone else against their will. Verifiable, measurable economic harm.
"All taxes are bribes," says the character Earl Harbinger (the name is that for a reason in the book). "Just roll with it."
That tiny fraction of a percent who won't pay to play? The great majority of those people have mental problems, abuse problems or a combination. The bums, hobos, homeless.
Only a very few, I'm guessing less than 10,000 in the United States are sane enough to know what they are doing and, more importantly, how to get away with it.
My friends on the left decry violence, except when it suits their purpose. My friends on the right decry violence, except when it suits their purpose. So much for tolerance, eh? Their purpose is to bend everyone to their will, by whatever means necessary. This includes killing us.
No? How many IRS raids have you been on?
If lethal force is not needed to collect taxes, whyinhell does the IRS need guns and ammo?
No? How many IRS raids have you been on?
If lethal force is not needed to collect taxes, whyinhell does the IRS need guns and ammo?
Frankly, I'm damned all tired of hearing about the "Social Contract" that allows legal extortion. Apparently, a group of people can come together, declare themselves to be a "government" and do whatever the hell they want to the rest of us.
That is exactly how it works. Prove me wrong, I will change my mind.
That is exactly how it works. Prove me wrong, I will change my mind.
Majority rule?
Still disagree? How are cities created? Familiar with the annexation process which brings property into the corporate limits even against the will of the people who own that property?
Voter turnout in the United States fluctuates in national elections. In recent elections, about 60% of the voting eligible population votes during presidential election years, and about 40% votes during midterm elections. Turnout is lower for odd year, primary and local elections. 2018 turnout was the highest midterm turnout on record at 49.6% with more votes still to count.
Majority rule? If you are over 18 and legally allowed to vote.
Majority rule? If you are over 18 and legally allowed to vote.
Given that 80% plus of candidates do not receive a majority of the votes from eligible voters, we have minority rule. A minority imposes their wishes on the majority.
What then is the real difference between a group of thugs extorting a business owner and a business owner who pays some guys in the neighborhood to not trash his store?
What then is the real difference between a group of thugs extorting a business owner and a business owner who pays some guys in the neighborhood to not trash his store?
Still disagree? How are cities created? Familiar with the annexation process which brings property into the corporate limits even against the will of the people who own that property?
Speak ye not to me of democracy and majority rule for I shall laugh in your face.