I have a question for you.
Why do some people rail against pornography?
Lemme answer that for you. The biggest objection in my neck of the woods, The Bible Belt, is that is a sin. Those who do not have religious objections say it reduces people, women mostly, to nothing more than a sex object and removes the humanness. A third common objection is that it desensitizes people and gives them a distorted sense of values.
As for point No. 1, your religion is not everyone's religion. You have no more right to force your religion and religious values on other people than they have the right to force their religion and religious values on you.
Perspective matters. |
Same goes for morality.
On point 2, well, not being a woman, I can't speak from that perspective. Not being in the porn industry, I can't speak to that either. Being human (despite many protests to the contrary), I have a LOT to say about this and I will in just a minute. Need to dispense with point 3 before I do that.
Point three and the human part of point two are inextricably linked. For that matter, so is the objection found in religious matters.
So, here's where I make my point.
These people who rant, rave, scream and holler about porn and demand boycotts, file lawsuits and so on — well lemme share these three links which I absolutely assure you are not porn. Can't be. These video clips aired on network television, some of it broadcast which means it CANNOT be porn. I remind you these clips were seen in hundreds of thousands of homes.
As reliable as all the others. |
Clip 1 http://abcnews.go.com/US/video/colorado-gunmans-shooting-caught-on-tape-19241141
Clip 2 http://video.foxnews.com/v/4676014/chilling-shootout-caught-on-tape/
Clip 3 http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/dash-cam-video-ak-47-shootout-19110754
Real video of real people being killed. On television news shows.
Boycotts? Screams of outrage? Anyone file a lawsuit?
Speak up now! Come on, lemme hear you, especially those of you who view porn as disgusting, obscene, vile, sin and a few dozen semi loads of negative adjectives.
[the sound of crickets chirping]
"People much wiser than I am have said, 'I'd rather have my son watch a film with two people making love than two people trying to kill one another.' I, of course, can agree. It is a great sentence. I wish I knew who said it first," said the late George Carlin.
I wanna catch the bream that can eat this one. |
I personally know people who can, will and do watch the above kind of news clip and don't even think about it. They can watch a movie full of Hollywood deaths and say what a great flick it was. You know 'em too.
I have heard preacher after preacher take to the pulpit and decry porn. I have yet to hear one rail against network news shows showing people being killed.
[Can somebody please catch those crickets and turn 'em into fish bait?]
Show these same people and the preachers a Playboy magazine and they have an apoplectic fit. You know 'em too.
Self restraint prevents me from typing out the string of invectives (which many would call obscene) I want to use to describe these hypocrites.
"And if I find out who canceled my Penthouse subscription..." |
Riddle me this — which is more destructive to humanness:
1) Seeing people have sex.
2) Seeing people kill each other.
Talk about FUBAR'd priorities.
In closing lemme ask you this. If you agree that seeing a real person be killed is horrific and by comparison seeing people have sex is nothing all, what's on your TV tonight? (I don't watch TV, in case you wonder and my Internet viewing is documentaries, hunting, fishing and Taufledermaus on YouTube.)